Sunday, July 29, 2012

Media Mayhem: Can We Really Change It?

As most of you know by now, my final project is centered around the way gender has been portrayed in the television industry and the overall media trends.  Most of the research I have done contends that as a society our television gender portrayals have adopted the pattern of "one step forward, two steps back".  Modern sitcoms tend to portray the woman in a more professional light and as able to make professional gains but at the end of the day there still exists objectification and inferiority as almost every show results in the traditional role of the woman as a homemaker and wife.  One of the questions I am seeking to discover an answer to in this paper is how we can change these gender portrayals, or if we ever really can. Do you think having more female writers for shows and co-ed production teams would lend themselves to a more accurate, balanced gender portrayal?  Also. do you think the reason for these gender imbalances is because they are reflected in reality or do you think its simply because it "works" in Hollywood? What shows do you think do the best job or accurately portraying gender roles?? What about the worst? Get back to me!

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